Ep #87 “How to Understand Your Life Through a Different Worldview” with Brent Giannotta

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About Brent Giannotta

Brent was born in Los Angeles to Catholic parents from Detroit, Michigan. He received a Catholic education including at an all-boys high school where he was in sports and theater. Brent studied international relations at USC where he also joined a fraternity and played on the school's ice hockey team. After 9/11, I started taking Arabic classes, first moving to Beirut, Lebanon, then to Cairo, Egypt where he got a graduate degree in Middle East studies. He then moved to Washington DC where I worked at Human Rights Watch for two years before joining the CIA and working as a counterterrorism analyst for five years. In 2015, He resigned from the government and since has been working as a contract writer, sometimes for the History Channel, but usually ghostwriting political op-eds for executives, politicians, and university presidents.

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“There was something not quite right in my head. What's more important than having a job, a salary, and my own apartment is fixing that and sort of putting the mirror in front of yourself. That's what I've been doing for the last year and a half and it's been two steps forward one step back, but absolutely, the best thing I ever did, and it's worth its weight in gold.”

Questions to ask yourself from the interview

  1. What is my personal sanity and mental health more important than money or career success?

  2. What am I doing to value my personal development over my career success?

  3. How am I allowing curiosity and intuition to guide my life decisions?

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Transcript of Episode #87

Cartwright Morris

To engage men with hope and equip them to apply it with purpose and intensity


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