Ep #74 “How to Grow and Thrive as a Startup” with Cameron Doody

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About Cam Doody

Cam Doody is the Co-founder and Chairman of Bellhop, the fastest growing moving company in the U.S. Serving 75+ cities, they developed a new operating model to fix the infamously poor and unreliable service in the space with tech. Bellhop has raised $90m in venture capital and moved +300,000 households over the last 6 years. Cam is the dad of two wonderful little girls— Margot and Liles, and a passionate aviator and outdoorsman.

Connect with Cam

Website / Instagram / LinkedIn / Bellhops


“One of the greatest gifts, my dad gave me was telling me to think for myself and how valuable original thought is. You should have opinions on things and its okay that your opinion differs from someone else. You don’t want to look like the rest of the pack.”

“(A few months into my first job after college)I realized I needed to take my own independence very seriously. I never pursued success for status or money. Those aren’t the drivers for me, the driver for me is just freedom. I really wanted to live my life on my own terms, and in order to do that I had to create financial independence.”

“In the early stages of a start-up, you have to be constantly burning things down and rebuilding things. Start-ups don’t grow through an optimized line.”

“There is a lot more competition in the (start-up) space right now than 10 years ago, but the silver lining is 80% of those people are in it for the wrong reasons. So if you can keep that ‘north star’ pure in your mind, go into with the right expectations, and what you’re willing to give up for your start-up, because of technology you will be far ahead than most other founders. There is no better time than today.”


3:30 - Growing up encouraged to explore and build

7:45 - “Licenses to hunt”

12:20 - Calculated risk

16:05 - Struggle with first job out of college

21:00 - What is Brickyard?

26:35 - Advice for being an early founder of a start-up

30:20 - Innovator not a manager

37:10 - Build the best place and community of early stage founders

44:00 - Gap in technology for start-ups in the last 10 years

“Actionables” from the interview

  1. What is something (beyond stuff) my dad gave me that I am thankful for, today?

  2. How can I give myself permission to think different from others?

  3. What insight do I have from my first job?

  4. How am I most valuable within my organization/business? As a manager or an innovator?

  5. How much is shared experience a part of my life especially in the more challenging endeavors?

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